Anti-Virus and Internet Security Solutions
As computers and software have become more sophisticated, so have computer viruses, worms and spyware and ransomware. The bad guys seaming to stay one step ahead of the good guys. Despite improvements in anti-virus and anti-malware detection, identity theft and hackers pose a greater threat now more than ever. Not always from the end user "that's you and me" but often from those big companies and institutions who are thirsty for our data.
Unless your computer and network security are completely up-to-date, security compromises are highly likely on your end.
However, some security problems are not your fault, for example; the email about cats that has been forwarded to hundreds of people. Someone down the line will take all those email addresses and spam them. You may have received an email from a rich man in Nigeria wanting to send you millions of dollars if you will put up $500.00 "Its a scam" or you may know a friend or business contact that has been hacked and you start receiving email from them to visit strange sites, STOP! don't do it. It is both prudent and wise to periodically make sure your computer is “clean.”
In addition, people sometimes feel that an out-of-date anti-virus or anti-malware program is “just fine” because their software has not shown anything to be wrong. They fail to realize that as viruses, worms or other types of “bad ware” have been developed that may be beyond the capability of an outdated security system to recognize them.
Not to panic you but a lapse, even for a moment, is more than enough to compromise your computer’s defenses. A virus or malware can infect you or the other computers you are connected to and cost you hundreds or worse loss of data.
If you do not have a security solution in place stop risking your data, turn off the computer this is important! Don't risk losing those photo, documents, music files contact us as soon as possible. Lets get you and you computer on the road to wellness. Call now!