PC and MAC alike need computer updates why you may ask, its running fine well there are several reasons.

1. As errors in programs are found software developers put out fixes to "clog" holes that let bad people in to see and manipulate your data, and possibly take over your computer.

We have all heard of hackers, a hacker for my definition here is someone who enters your computer through one of these "holes", and when inside can pretend to be you to your bank, or online service like Amazon, or Ebay, buying things on your credit cards or access your email and harvest passwords and email addresses from areas on your computer.

2. Some times "features" built into software do not work as advertised. They crash the computer, sometimes rendering it unusable, some allow others to connect that should not be able to connect to your computer. Some times a software developer will add features that we the users ask for or change the way a function works to be "more" user friendly.

3. As new programs or hardware are developed with different requirements that make computers faster or more "intelligent" the updates are designed to bring existing hardware and software that are able to upgrade to a newer level of speed or usability.

This is not an exhaustive list just a few of the reasons why it is a good idea to consider updating.


How to check updates.

Why do I need Antivirus and/or Anti-malware.  I have never had a problem.

1. Antivirus will protect your computer from a lot of programs that other users and antivirus companies have identified that pretend to be one thing until you install them only to find out it is not what you expected "Trojan horse". 

These programs can do a variety of things depending on the intent of the programs creators. For example a new type of Trojan horse is called Ransomware a type of software that locks your computer and requires payment to release it back to you.

There are other types of "Wallet-ware" their goal is to get into your wallet and have you pay for things you don't want or even need.

2. Antivirus will give you a peace of mind that something is not going to destroy your pictures, documents or other data at some random time, or at some event. Remember the lovebug virus?

3. Anti-malware mostly helps with things that are connected through the web though not exclusively, anti virus and anti malware are different. Anti malware looks for things that track where you go on the web, what you're typing such as passwords or any text. Malware can also hijack your web browser to go to websites that you don't want or limit results to things the designers get a commission on what you buy.

Again this list is not exhaustive or to panic you.  Just inform you of choices.


Antivirus and Malware


What is defragmenting and why do I need it?

Fragmentation in its most basic form is the separating of continuous data.

For an example if you will stick with me for a moment. Lets say you were sitting down to do your taxes "yuck". Lets say you start and some of the information you need is in the garage, some of it is in the family room, some is in the bedroom, and some on the desk, you get the idea its scatted all around the house.  How long is it going to take to get your taxes together and are you sure you have it all? This is an example of fragmented. 

If your organized (defragmented) you have all the required information in one place and its in the order you need to enter it.  It takes far less time to complete your taxes and "data loss" is less likely to happen, this is basically what defragmening is, all your data in one place for quick access.  It allows the computer to open pictures, documents and other data quicker and helps avoiding errors.


Checking Defragmentation Settings